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On the Sofa: I was fuming!

My mood, last week, turned rather like the weather…….stormy and dark! Having calmed down a bit now I explain why……but first, a couple of jobs in the kitchen.

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On the Sofa: Madonna, Swanage, Bra Saga (part 3!!).

The weather has finally turned autumnal so on a rainy day what better than having a sit and natter. It’s a real mixed bag today; Madonna is in the news and on my CD player, some memories of Swanage and a moment on my trip home which I forgot to mention…….some uses for old wedding dresses and, good grief, part three (!) of the bra saga! Grab a cuppa and your craft project and join me for a chat.

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A postcard from…..Dorset (part 5). Will it be London or Swanage?

With a heavy heart it’s time to leave Swanage in Dorset. I’ve done a lot of looking around and research while I’ve been here to see if my needs can be met if I were to move here……is this a town I can live in? Can I give up my city life and move the the country? The process is slow and ongoing….but I think I’m getting closer to a decision…… Oh, but I forget to mention in the video….there is a GP surgery in the town (on the flat bit!) and a hospital at Poole (a bus ride away) for my future needs with knees etc….