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Time out: November 8th: Weird post bag!

Eek! What an odd post bag which starts with a rather scary, very formal looking, reprimand from Defra! I feel thoroughly told off for something but don’t know why. Never mind….the rest of the post is lovely……and the post to come is exciting too. Here’s Kate’s video of the suitcase of tired treasures some of which will be coming my way.

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Vivi’s Kitchen Garden: November Garden Tour (2020).

The weather has definitely changed…’s hard to believe I was picking tomatoes at the beginning of October just three/four weeks ago…..the garden is barely recognisable now from then. Take a stroll with me, down the garden path, to see how it’s all looking at the beginning of November.

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Time out: November 2nd. Here we go again!

It looks like we’re going into lockdown again……….but it’s OK….we’ve done it before, we can do it again. For those of you who will be housebound and have itchy fingers I’m setting you a lovely little challenge for this week………there’ll be another next week and so forth as we go…..!