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Vivi’s Kitchen Garden: April Garden Tour (2018).

My excitement is starting to build again……a little walk around the garden reminds me that most of the hard work has been done and that I’m ready for a new growing year….I just need a bit of sunshine now.

Apr - insect house2

2 thoughts on “Vivi’s Kitchen Garden: April Garden Tour (2018).

  1. Oh the garden looked so well laid out and planned. You have such a strong concept about your garden, not sort of make do or vague. It’s going to switch gear all of a sudden. Eat well. You’ll need the energy. On my balcony in Tokyo I’m growing lots of mint, 4 kinds of thyme. Chillies. Lemons. And a small cabbage called komatsuna looks like spinach. Grows well. All gets eaten and drunk by us. And all the citrus plants have their leaves munched by butterflies. Yes. A butterfly farm. Lavender attracts them up to the 10th floor. Another herb called sansho which has small leaves and smells like soap is eaten by swallowtails.

    Kieran Tokyo.

    1. Your balcony sounds like a beautiful haven……for both you and the insects – how wonderful. 😀

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