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Vivi’s Kitchen Garden: April Garden Tour (2020).

It’s the beginning of April and the most glorious day (weather wise) of the year so far………now it really feels like the garden and the growing are about to get going! I feel behind in many tasks but there’s time yet, in the next couple of weeks, to catch up…. Hurrah for Spring.

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Vivi’s Kitchen Garden 255:The herb bed, quiet time & Poppy returns!

I let the herb garden simply be over winter…….it got straggly and ugly but it was providing habitat for insects and food for all sorts of lovely wee critters. Now that the rest of the garden, and the surroundings, are coming back to life it’s time to get on with some tidying and pruning. I also start the rose ‘tree’ prune and talk about a great mnemonic for doing it……the five ‘D’s.