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Vivi’s Kitchen Garden: October Garden Tour (2108)

Autumn is suddenly upon us and the garden is going through it’s biggest change after the changes in Spring. Harvests are coming thick and fast and it’s time to start planning for winter as beds become empty. It will be a busy month……but oh, so rewarding.

2 thoughts on “Vivi’s Kitchen Garden: October Garden Tour (2108)

  1. Dear Vivi, I just watched your video on ‘time’. It really struck a chord with me. I so enjoy following your endeavours and adventures. I admire the way you can reassess and make positive changes. Thank you for your videos they are honest and inspiring. Keep on keeping on.
    Good wishes,

    1. Thank you so much Catherine. I think it’s really important to keep reassessing and being prepared to change…..even if change can sometimes be a little scary. 🙂

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